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[vendu] USSR RAKETA ZERO 523 Pre-owned the dial is made of natural nephritis.

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 [vendu] USSR RAKETA ZERO 523 Pre-owned the dial is made of natural nephritis. Empty [vendu] USSR RAKETA ZERO 523 Pre-owned the dial is made of natural nephritis.

Message  samun Sam 12 Fév 2022 - 2:50

USSR RAKETA ZERO 723413 Pre-owned the dial is made of natural nephritis.
Prix 210 USD  (shipping included)
Watch, in a good shape, passed preventive maintenance, and now works precisely. I give a personal guarantee on working capacity and course accuracy to lines for 3 months from the moment of sending a watch to the Buyer. All gained money from the watch sold by me, is spent for expansion of a collection of a watch, and publications of photos on the Internet

 [vendu] USSR RAKETA ZERO 523 Pre-owned the dial is made of natural nephritis. Img_2032
 [vendu] USSR RAKETA ZERO 523 Pre-owned the dial is made of natural nephritis. Img_2033
 [vendu] USSR RAKETA ZERO 523 Pre-owned the dial is made of natural nephritis. Img_2034

 [vendu] USSR RAKETA ZERO 523 Pre-owned the dial is made of natural nephritis. Img_2030
 [vendu] USSR RAKETA ZERO 523 Pre-owned the dial is made of natural nephritis. Img_2031
 [vendu] USSR RAKETA ZERO 523 Pre-owned the dial is made of natural nephritis. Img_2029
 [vendu] USSR RAKETA ZERO 523 Pre-owned the dial is made of natural nephritis. Img_2035

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Membre du Parti

Messages : 463
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2012
Age : 39

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