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RAKETA diver tome 2

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RAKETA diver tome 2 Empty RAKETA diver tome 2

Message  kamikazero Lun 15 Nov 2010 - 19:31


Suite à mon ivresse de ce week end j'ai envoyé un email à RAKETA sur leur site pour leur dire que leurs montres fonctionne 30 ans après et voila les deux emails dans ma boite email:

voila ce que j'ai écrit ( oui j'etais clean sans jaja)

On 14 November 2010 23:50 wrote:


I have just bought a RAKETA diver in Ukraine and I am a fan of your watch she(it) in 30 years she(it) always works and keeps(guards) the hour marvelously
I you sending one seen again(revised) that I made on the montrerusse.org Web site
There is in France of severe fan of RAKETA

You can use my photos of the RAKETA would please his(her,its) to me
Would be it an honor


And I have a question in your future collection 2010 go to be made a diver's watch?


Première réponse:

Dear Sir,

Thanks for interest in Raketa watches. Your supporting is very important for us.

And a lot of thanks for your review about Raketa in that site. Very interesting!

Concerning the diver's watch in our New Collection, we have not this model in the Collection - 2010, but we plan producing driver's watch in the nearest future.

Best Regards,
Luiza Simonyan.

et deuxième réponses:

Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for your support to our old factory.

We are glad you enjoy your old Raketa.

Concerning diver watches, it is not foreseen in the coming collection,
though within one or 2 years you may expect a new Raketa diver watch.

Though the new collection does not have a diver watch, all the watches
from the new collection to come are minimum 50 meteres waterproof.

Here you may have a look at the small film made about our 289th
birthday, that was celebrated last week:


If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me anytime!

С уважением,
Марина Крылова

Best regards,
Marina Krylova

Петродворцовый Часовой Завод (Ракета)
Petrodvorets Watch Factory
mob: +7 926 847 36 64

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